Monday, 31 December 2012

Out With The Old And In With The New

Say goodbye to the old year 2012 has bit the dust
It’s now the beginning of 2013 for all of us
So bury all the bad things the old year holds
and start anew and see what unfolds

Make your resolutions and keep them if you can
If you do not manage to then just make a new plan
There will be good times and there will be bad
Because that is life’s pattern to be both happy and sad

So 2013 you have made your first debut
the start of 12 months is beginning for you
We hope you are good and bring us sunny days
We have got rather tired of 2012‘s wet cold ways

Yes 2012 has been a very damp year
So maybe you can show us a bit more care
So do your best so that when your 12 months are through
We can truly say next year 2013 we will miss you

by Margmax 2012

Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Prince Albert brought a tree from
Germany to Windsor Castle in the year 1841
Could he ever have imagined that this would be
a tradition that would go on and on
The Royal family were illustrated standing with
their family around a decorated tree
and the general public considered good enough
for royalty and good enough for me

In Victorian times candles were placed and lit on the tree
to represent stars in the sky at the birth of Jesus
No such dangerous antics now it’s electric fairy lights
for us
Other decorations used were sweets and cakes hung on
the branches with ribbons - strange I hear you say
Until Woolworths in the year 1880 introduced tree
ornaments which were very successful by the way

The decorating of the Christmas tree comes from long ago
When in winter trees lost their leaves and people were very
superstitious then you know
To encourage the tree spirits to return they hung strips of coloured
cloth from the bare branches of the tree
In spring when the leaves returned they considered it was because
they had made the trees beautiful you see

Bringing small fir trees indoors was a tradition started in Germany as
you probably know
and decorating them even though they keep their leaves is a tradition
from long ago
So no matter if your tree is real or artificial it matters not
Because you are following a tradition that has not been forgot

by Margmax 2012

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Winter and Christmas

Winter and Christmas

Winter in Britain is a dismal time
It’s dark, cold and miserable with little sun shine
Many seek to escape to far flung places for the heat
But the average Briton just will not be beat

The authorities are never prepared for what weather
extremities arrive
A bit of rain, ice or snow means transport cannot
My friends in Sweden never have the weather calamities
which we do
Why because they are prepared for those winter blues

Major British roads they grit but not the roads leading onto them
So how can you get your car safely from home and back again
The sloping road from our estate onto the main bus route
Just needs a little ice and down into the flowing traffic you shoot

“Please grit the approach to the main road I ask the Council every
Because it’s only a matter of time before a serious accident will
happen there”
“We must give priority to bus routes” they reply
“Yes it’s a busy bus route so that’s why I am asking you” says I

But I ask you would Christmas be the same if you spent it in a hot climate
Singing Christmas carols round a pool with strangers not your mates
Christmas was made for cold, ice and snow
Spent around homely blazing fires with folk that you know

So in the winter for me the best place is the comfort of home
I do not like to face these weather fopars in a strange zone
and now that I am retired and do not have to go outside every day
I think I can face the British winter weather in my own little way .......

by Margmax 2012

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Royal Baby

Royal Baby

The country is delighted for William and Kate
A baby on the way but we are yet to know the date
A truly royal babe our future King or Queen
this will be the most important pregnancy the country ever seen

Kate is suffering bad sickness but the care she will receive
Will be the very best that any pregnant woman could believe
She will have top doctors with the best medication to be found
No constant vomiting for her with all that help around

All the speculation of what the child will be
Because new laws are rushing through for a guarantee
That if the baby is female she will maintain the right
To be Queen of England even if a brother comes on site

But everyone loves a baby and a summer baby it will be
So hopefully the sun will shine on this new family
The nation has taken William and Kate into their hearts
and maybe the birth will mean an additional bank holiday on the cards

by Margmax 2012

Monday, 26 November 2012



Jim and Karen have a new passion in their life
We really are surprised at their amount of lyrical hype
Because it’s not connected to ebay or money saving schemes
No it is a gadget which has captured their dreams

I know you now are curious to think what this could be
Because we all have gadgets that we now never see
But they are together in this “wonderful thing” they now own
And assure us it will not be banished to the “useless gadget zone”

I must admit their views are tempting us to make a purchase
But they are quite expensive although they make a good case
They say it gives you your favourite food but in a healthy way
And now they use it almost every day

Have you guessed what it is? or are you still pondering
What can make unhealthy things healthy I bet you are wondering
If I tell you it claims to give you healthy chips using a spoonful of oil
I bet you now know - yes that’s right - it’s a Tefal Actifry.

by Margmax

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Coupons - Love or Hate Them

Coupons - Love or Hate them

Do you get excited when coupons are handed to you?
Do you seek to use them or flush them down the loo?
Do you fill your purse intending to use them at a later date?
Then when you have a pile to sort through realize your too late?

Jim’s wife Karen would put Martin Lewis to shame
She is the queen of money saving and is willing to make that claim
She knows every deal that every store has on any given day
and she always has a purse full of coupons handy by the way

Even going on holiday she has her money saving tips
She knows all the rules and regulations when venturing on trips
She says all her money saving enables her to have more trips away
But we know it’s her main hobby and she would do it anyway

Now we all like a bargain because money is tight for us all
I have a purse full of store cards for all the the places that I call
But I have started to say “No” when frequently asked to add more
The main reason being my purse is full and no more can I store

So Martin Lewis watch out because our Karen can’t be stopped
She can match your money saving ways indeed you could be topped
Maybe you should join forces a partnership of thrift
So watch our Supermarkets or you will see your profits drift.

by Margmax 2012

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Ebay - ing

It’s an addiction this ebay- ing that’s for sure
Is it the lure of making money or a retail cure?
Jon’s brother Jim has embraced it with a passion
that only he can bring
He has turned his garage into a despatch centre
for ebay-ing things.

He has sold his model railway bit by bit
Well once he had built it what was the point of it
He now visits the Supermarket with a passion
he never had before
Well this is where he gets his packaging free boxes
and bubble wrap galore

Once the railway was gone he searched around for
other things to market
Now car boots, antique fairs and salerooms are his
He started in a small way selling only to the UK
Now he’s gone worldwide getting bigger day by day

The lady in the Post Office now greats him heartedly
He is part of her daily routine and its only a matter of time
before she makes him a cup of tea
The Postman and Jim are now pals well he calls every day
Not to the house of course but to Jim’s despatch centre bay

I have not got this addiction and fail to see the pleasure
Of buying people’s mistakes or things that they once used to treasure
Of course lots of small businesses use ebay too
and so the things which they sell are not used but new

Indeed for a wedding I purchased a sort after handbag
and at that time finding it on ebay cheaply well I was very glad
Now I get in-dated with ebay offers galore
But no thank you not for me to Jim I will give the floor

by Margmax 2012

If you enjoy reading my poems there are lots more on my website at:-

Monday, 12 November 2012

Lost Friends

People come in and out of our life and that is the way it's supposed to be.  I truly believe that at times people come into our life at a time when we have a need for them and when that need is not so great they move on.  I wrote the following poem for Friendship day you can find similar poems here:-
If you value your friends (as I do) maybe you may want to show them especially on their birthday by choosing a verse from 

Lost Friends 

Friends come and friends go
It's meant to be and has always been so
Some are with us for as long as we need them to be
A month, a year and sometimes for eternity

But friends are important to us all through our life
We all need people to help us through the strife
To share our joy, to wipe our tears
To talk us through all our hopes and fears

So embrace each friend as they come and go
Don't be sad to lose them remember it has to be so
New friends will replace the one's that go
And some of the new ones may stay - you never know

by Margmax 2012

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Looking Forward to Retirement

Looking Forward to Retirement

When you retire you view things in different ways
Like weekends and bank holidays no longer are important days
You no longer want to go places when other folk do
Because if you go midweek there is a lot more room for you

Weekdays become your favourite - yes they really do
Think about it - I bet you like it when you are off work midweek too
Especially at Christmastime when the whole world goes shopping mad
The shopping malls may like it but they are the only ones who are glad

Holidays you can take anytime you want to
So looking forward to them for months is no longer what you do
Indeed you ponder if you can be bothered to leave the comfort of home
For some unknown destination that could be a danger zone

Evenings, especially in the winter, no longer have outside appeal
Indeed to get you out of home at night is a real big deal
God must of had a plan to make you feel this way
Because on a pension you can’t afford to go out at night as well as through the day

You find that you are babysitting much more than you used to
Because your offspring consider you have nothing else to do
So on the rare occasion when you may have to say no
They are flabbergasted you actually have somewhere to go

You don’t get up so early because you have a whole day to fit things in
But this means you stay up later so you have not gained anything
You put off doing chores because there is always another day
But that other day seems to move further and further away

So you may look forward to retirement seeing work as one big chore
But the routine of a working structure is not to be ignored
I succeeded in just as many ventures when I was a working lass
Because I knew if I wasted time I would not get through all my tasks

by Margmax 2012

Need a poem for someone retiring take a look at my selection here:-

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Do You Believe in Fairies?

Maybe you believe,  maybe you do not,  but every little girl likes fairies and enjoys dressing up with fairy wings and a fairy wand which is why I have a selection of fairy poems.  This is one of them and you can find more here:-

Do you believe in fairies? I really think you should
They are said to be in gardens and sometimes in the woods
I have never managed to see them but they could still be there
Sending out their magic because they really care

So I put little lights in my garden so they can see their way
Because darkness is their playtime not throughout the day
So if you think there could be fairies I am sure you will find
It only takes a little effort to make your garden fairy kind

by Margmax 2011

Monday, 5 November 2012



Who enjoys decorating not many I would guess
It’s not the actual work but having the whole house a mess
You are only doing one room so why is it
The whole house is disturbed quite a bit

It always seems that you find or cause problems new
So you have added cost and a few angry words too
Our latest venture was just a small bedroom
But it gave us a week of mess and gloom

There’s me happily ironing whilst watching T.V
When poof went the power and the culprit was not me
I could hear Jon hammering and he did not have a clue
That he nailed through a cable doing what I did not want him to do

Well I will not go into what transpired next
Let’s just say I was pretty vexed
It required builder Sam to make it good as new
Well fiddling with electricity is dangerous to do

Does everyone have these problems may I ask
Or is it only me who is always taken to task
So when decorating raises it’s head again
I think I will save up to get the professionals in.

by Margmax 2012

If you like amusing poems why not check out kids funny poems here:-

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Merry Christmas to my Female Friends

 I wrote this poem couple of years ago and actually forgot I had penned it until recently looking at my Christmas website.  I think my female readers may find it entertaining but U.K. please note that where the word "fanny" is stated it refers to the American market where fanny means bottom.
When writing your Christmas cards why not personalize them by picking a verse from my range of funny, cute, christian, short, children and not forgetting love you will find the link here


Merry Christmas To My Female Friends

If I were ol' Santa, you know what I'd do
I'd dump silly gifts that are given to you
And deliver some things just inside your front door
Things you have lost, but treasured before.
I'd give you back all your maidenly vigor,
And to go along with it, a neat tiny figure.
Then restore the old color that once graced your hair
Before rinses and bleaches took residence there.
I'd bring back the shape with which you were gifted
So things now suspended need not be uplifted.
I'd draw in your tummy and smooth down your back
Till you'd be a dream in those tight fitting slacks.
I'd remove all your wrinkles and leave only one chin
So you wouldn't spend hours rubbing grease on your skin.
You'd never have flushes or queer dizzy spells,
And you wouldn't hear noises like ringing of bells.
No sore aching feet and no corns on your toes,
No searching for spectacles when they're right on your nose.
Not a shot would you take in your arm, hip or fanny,
From a doctor who thinks you're a nervous old granny.
You'd never have a headache, so no pills would you take.
And no heating pad needed since your muscles won't ache.
Yes, if I were Santa, you'd never look stupid,
You'd be a cute little chick with the romance of a cupid.
I'd give a lift to your heart when those wolves start to whistle,
And the joys of your heart would be light as a thistle.
But alas! I'm not Santa. I'm simply just me,
The matronest of matrons you ever did see.
I wish I could tell you all the symptoms I've got,
But I'm due at my doctor's for an estrogen shot.
Even though we've grown older, this wish is sincere,
Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.
by Margmax 2010

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Ladies Who Lunch

Ladies Who Lunch

Once a month I meet the girls for lunch
We can be at times a rowdy bunch
Well we do have four weeks of chat to get through
Going over old topics and starting ones that are new

If we are not driving the wine will flow
That helps the chatter get louder as I am sure you know
I would like us to Sex in the City girls a few years along the line
Yes just picture Carrie and Co with the ravishes of time

Our chatter is still about clothes, men, kids, but not sex
Oh yes we still like to look good and yes we know how to text
Our kids now have kids so we have become popular parents again
Well who babysits and is pleased to without any gain

We can discuss topics which are in the news
We may be old but we still have our views
We discuss constantly the subject of diets and food
But if we manage to not gain weight well that’s pretty good

It’s took many years to get to this stage
Well work got in the way of having these days
So if you have not become a Lady who Lunches yet
Don’t fret because it will get nearer with the older you get

by Margmax 2012

If you enjoyed reading this you may like to read similar poems from my website page:-

Monday, 29 October 2012

Why Halloween?

It’s dark, it’s cold and quite miserable it’s true
Should we be out on this night me and you
The night when all kind of creatures come out
Knocking on doors with trick or treat shouts

Witches, devils, skeletons to name a few
These are the costumes we are now used to
Carrying pumpkins to light our way
Quite sophisticated play from the olden day

Collecting the treats from every welcoming door
Watching the stash grow more and more
Trying to collect more than your friends
In the time you have before the night ends

But why do we celebrate Halloween Night?
Why do we dress up to give folk a fright?
It was the eve of two Pagan feasts is all that is clear
But from the 19th century witches and such like did appear

So why do you think it changed from a feast to a spooky night?
Why do you think it went from feasting to fright?
In medieval times 1st November was All Saints Day
But the eve of this was All Souls Day when for the dead they did pray

So have fun on Halloween my friends one and all
and now maybe you have an idea why folk come and call
But how it has evolved is a mystery that’s true
Because it has grown and really is rather new

Margmax 2012

For Halloween Poems please visit my website at

Thursday, 25 October 2012

My Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping a pleasure or a pain
I just can’t believe we are here again
Is it really 12 months since I last did this chore
and here I am -  doing it once more

Knowing what the recipient wants helps a bit
It saves tramping around the shops you can even google it
You look for the bargains see who has it at a good price
And once you have found it if it’s in stock that’s very nice

You buy all the “things” and look for places they can be hidden
Under beds, in cupboards often forgetting what you bought (I do I’m not kidding)
Then comes the wrapping now isn’t that loads of fun
You panic because you need more gifts for some

Then you have to distribute the gifts before the big day
Arranging getting together with folk who are just as busy by the way
The day gets nearer cards and gifts are all despatched
Is that you relaxed no don’t be so daft

Now you have to shop for the Christmas feast
Fighting with other shoppers to get in all the treats
Terrified you forget something important like sprouts
No I am not kidding no Christmas dinner could be without

Christmas eve and what are you doing -  preparing for “the day”
Which duly arrives and everyone is merry and gay
You are cooking, perspiring and fretting that everything is done
Whilst making sure that your family are having fun

But I know this will be repeated for as long as I can
Even although I am not a big Christmas fan
For many people it is a very sad day
Spent on their own loved one’s gone away

So I have many people around my Christmas table
and I will do so for as long as I am able
So if you have a Christmas that’s a bit like mine
I wish you happy shopping and a wonderful Christmas time

by Margmax 2012

For more Christmas poems and rhymes please visit the Christmas section of my website by clicking here:- 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

The Tale of Guy Fawkes

 The Tale of Guy Fawkes

Now boys and girls as I am sure you all know
On November the 5th the sky is aglow
Bonfire parties with fireworks for our pleasure
But do you know why this day has became a one to treasure

It marks the foil of the gunpowder plot
When 13 English Catholics chose the spot
To mark their cause with an explosive “pow”
36 barrels of gunpowder would do this and how

Placed under the House of Lords was what they would do
They would kill the King, the Prince of Wales and the whole parliament too
But innocent folk would be there as well
So some of the conspirators began to fret and dwell

It is said a letter was sent by one of the group to his friend
Warning of the plot so that his friend that day would not attend
This letter was said to fall into the hands of the King
So the king’s men rushed to investigate everything

Now we all know what happened next - don’t we?
Beside the barrels of gunpowder Guy Fawkes was plain to see
He was tortured and executed what a terrible fate
But he will always be remembered on that date

But did you know Guy Fawkes was not the leader of the plot
A man named Robert Catesby lead this little lot
So why do we attribute November 5th to Guy alone ?
Because when discovered with the gun powder he was on his own

However within two days the rest were caught or in a siege killed
All for religion, in the honour of the Catholic faith blood was spilled
Bonfires were lit that night to celebrate the King being saved
and as years progressed effigies of Guy and the Pope were made

This British Tradition has travelled around
In old British Colonies it can be found
So do you think we are celebrating Guy Fawkes execution
or are we honouring Guy for his brave attempt at revolution?

by Margmax 2012

This is some of the 13 Conspirators ............

 Always remember fire and fireworks are very dangerous always have a grown up around!

For more poems please visit my website at


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Halloween Fun

I have been blogging about Christmas, however, Halloween is first and now very near.   In the U.K. we have never made as much of Halloween as our American friends indeed when I have visited America in the month of September they already have their homes and stores fully decorated with Halloween images on the inside and the outside and very festive they look.   Whilst in Rapid City I remarked to a lady that in the UK we would not be decorating as early or as much as they did and she informed me it was not just for Halloween but for welcoming in "the fall" (Autumn to us).  By the way did you know that we used to call Autumn "the fall" we changed it to Autumn but the Americans kept it as it was brought to them by our Pilgrim Fathers.
We have not really embraced this and the most we seem to do in the UK is to dress up our children to visit our neighbours to collect treats.   We do not have Halloween parties or welcome in "the fall" - why not?  Wouldn't it make a nice lead up to Christmas to decorate our homes with Autumn images of pumpkins, witches and such?
So if you worry about your children touring the neighbourhood on a dark, wet and windy night why not tempt them home by having a Halloween party?
Invitations can be found on my website getwellversed/halloween-poems
but here is an example:-
Halloween is party time a chance to have some spooky fun
So dress up in your costumes at the setting of the sun
Join me in a night of trick or treat
Ending with some weird but good things to eat

by Margmax 2011
A party does not have to be elaborate -  prize for the best fancy dress, dish of water with apples for dunking apple game and the food could be inexpensive and simple here are some great ideas from Sainsburys:-

Carrot batons 

Witches' fingers: Wash and peel four long carrots for the fingers and one baby carrot for the thumb. Use a drop of honey to attach a flaked almond fingernail to the top of each carrot. Place carrots in a tub of houmous and serve. Hungry little monsters will love them!


Mummies: Cut a sheet of ready-made puff pastry into thin strips, about 1 cm wide. Wrap a strip around a frankfurter sausage, leaving a little of the sausage showing. Brush with milk and bake for 20 mins at 200ºC, 180ºC fan, gas 6, until golden brown and cooked like a crispy mummy sausage.

Digestive biscuits 

Trick-or-treat surprise: Spread Marmite over one side of a plain digestive biscuit and sandwich it together with another digestive. With your next digestive biscuit, spread chocolate spread over it instead of Marmite. Your guests can take their pick for a real trick or treat!

Did you know...
  • 1
    Boiled beetroot is a classic spooky ingredient. It turns lighter coloured food pink, so mix it with potatoes, pasta or rice for a colourful treat!
  • 2
    You can offer trick or treaters fruity treats including raisin 'ants', 'squashed bug' dried apricots, or 'cockroach' Brazil nuts and almonds.
  • 3
    Natural food colouring is a great way to add a spooky touch. Add a little green food colouring to mashed potatoes, a dab of red to spaghetti or pink colouring to lemonade for a fun feast.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Santa's Reindeers

This post is something for the children.  It is not always easy to keep children amused as Christmas gets nearer and nearer.  Here I have written a story about Santa's Reindeers and if your children would like to read similar animal stories I am quite proud of this section in my website which you can see here:-

Santa’s Reindeers

Santa has nine reindeers who pull his sleigh through the sky
But boys and girls have you ever wondered - why?
Why he had nine because one does not have a mate
However many years ago it was known Santa had only eight

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen
Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen
Yes these are the names of Santa’s original eight
So how about Rudolph indeed what was his fate?

Because of his glowing nose Rudolph was an outcast
All of the other reindeers shunned him and just walked past
But then one very foggy Christmas eve Santa did not know what to do
How could he get around all the boys and girls the fog was just like glue

As he delivered presents to Rudolph’s bedroom
In the dark he noticed Rudolph’s nose shone through the gloom
Santa said “dear Rudolph will you light my way?
Your nose will help the other reindeers to drive my sleigh”.

Rudolph became a hero no longer shunned and ignored
His glowing nose was famous and he was given loud applause
So that was how Santa’s eight reindeers became nine
and why it is that Rudolph with his glowing nose is the leader of the line.

by Margmax 2012

Monday, 15 October 2012

Christmas Poems

Christmas is a very hectic time especially for us girls.  We have to think about buying gifts, food, decorating the house and Christmas cards.   As a card maker I make my own Christmas cards and every year I write a verse to make my cards that bit personal.  If this is something you would like to do why not get some help by visiting my website      Here you will find poems for all occasions.   Here is a Christmas Poem I may choose for this year:-

My wish for this Christmas to all I hold dear
Is a time of enjoyment without any fear
and for the New Year that is soon to be
I wish health and happiness in abundance to thee

by Margmax 2012

Keep looking in ladies for more Christmas hints.